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Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

Cryolipolysis (the technology behind CoolSculpt) is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures on the scene today, and it’s easy to see why. Considered the gold standard in non-surgical fat reduction, millions of patients have been treated safely and effectively. It is quick, easy, and painless. If you are close to your ideal weight and already live a healthy, active lifestyle, cryolipolysis can help you lose the stubborn, unwanted fat that won’t budge with diet and exercise alone.

Pros & Cons of Cryolipolysis


  • Cryolipolysis is a safe, non-invasive, non-surgical solution to destroy unwanted fat.

  • Treatments are quick and easy, and patients don’t typically experience discomfort either before or after their treatment cycles. 

  • With no downtime, you’ll be able to walk out of your treatment session and go about your normal day.

  • Results are permanent and cumulative—additional sessions may yield greater results for those who seek it.



  • Cryolipolysis results are not as predictable as liposuction, which is currently the gold standard for body contouring.

  • Additionally, results are not instant and may require additional treatment sessions.

  • It’s best for patients who are close to their ideal body weight.

Hands on Stomach

What is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis (the technology behind CoolSculpt) is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that targets unwanted fat in localized areas such as the belly, back, hips, and thighs. This procedure eliminates fat cells without harming the skin or neighboring tissue, resulting in the permanent reduction of fat cells. One treatment generally takes less than an hour, and there is no downtime

How does it work?

Cryoliposis freezes your fat, causing the body to metabolize the frozen fat cells over several weeks. When fat cells are frozen, they die off, and once they’re metabolized, they’re gone for good. It was first discovered by a doctor who noticed that children who ate high amounts of popsicles had less fat in their cheeks. He applied this same idea to body fat, creating the first cryolipolysis device. Now, years later, millions of people have had their lives changed with this non-surgical, permanent fat-reduction procedure.

What to expect at your treatment.

The process consists of two parts—consultation and the procedure.

At your consultation appointment, we'll create a customized sculpting plan tailored specifically to your goals and your body. We'll discuss a treatment plan that will help us achieve your desired results and the overall cost. At the end of your consultation, we'll schedule your treatment.

On the day of your procedure, we'll mark the treatment areas according to the plan we made at your consultation. A protective gel pad will be placed over the treatment area, and an applicator will be applied. In some cases, we will be able to do two areas at one time, reducing your overall treatment time. 

When the cryolipolysis machine is turned on, your skin and fat will be suctioned into the applicator and cooled to -10℃/14℉. At the end of the treatment cycle, we will remove the applicator and massage the area to help the body begin the natural process of breaking down the dead fat cells. The session itself lasts 35-75 minutes, depending on your treatment. If you have several areas you'd like to treat, we can treat many of them in one day.


What areas can you treat with cryolipolysis?

Many people have unwanted fat in targeted areas such as the belly, thighs, beneath the chin, or a host of other places regardless of their age and lifestyle. For patients within 20 pounds of their ideal weight but still frustrated by stubborn areas of fat, this technology delivers fantastic body contouring results in the following areas:


  • Abdomen

  • Flank (Love Handles)

  • Back (Bra Bulge)

  • Inner Thighs

  • Outer Thighs (Saddle Bags)

  • Upper Arms

  • Under the Butt (Banana Rolls)

  • Submental (Double Chin)

Am I a candidate?

You're a candidate if you have squeezable, unwanted body fat. Cryolipolysis works best for "problem areas," not for global body-fat transformation. That being so, having too much body fat makes you a liposuction candidate and not a cryolipolysis candidate. Patients who report the highest satisfaction with their results typically have a Body Mass Index (BMI) below 25 but at least â…” inch of squeezable fat in one of the treatment areas listed above. If you aren’t sure whether cryolipolysis, liposuction or tummy tuck surgery is best for your situation, we invite you to schedule a consultation in our office to discuss the pros and cons of each procedure.


Does it work?

Cryolipolysis has been scientifically studied dozens of times and is proven to be effective and safe in removing stubborn, unwanted fat cells. In addition, it has been proven to offer long-lasting results in each study. Patients generally see up to a 20-25% reduction in visible fat within 30-90 days, although patients with a higher body mass index (BMI) may need additional treatment sessions to achieve desired results. Those who maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not gain excessive weight will enjoy permanent results. The best part about cryolipolysis? There is no surgery required! 


This is not a treatment for either cellulite or skin laxity. By reducing the amount of visible fat, you may notice an improvement in dimpling, but cryolipolysis will probably not notably change the texture or appearance of your skin.‍

As with all aesthetic procedures, it is important to consult a trusted provider to ensure you have realistic expectations of the outcome. Additionally, it is not uncommon for patients to start with just one treatment area (typically their stomach), and after they see their results, they return for their thighs, flanks, and double chin.


Does it hurt?

Cryolipolysis typically does not hurt. Most patients describe a cold, tingling sensation for the first 5 minutes of the treatment until the area goes numb. After that, they tell us they can hardly feel the treatment while it's happening. Following treatment, typical side effects include temporary numbness, mild swelling, firmness, redness, or bruising of the treatment site for a few days. Many of our patients bring a laptop and work during their treatments, or they settle in for a Netflix marathon on the TV in the treatment room. Whatever you end up doing during your procedure, there's one thing we know for sure—losing fat has never been easier!

Are results permanent?

YES! This is a fat-reduction treatment method that permanently reduces the number of fat cells through cryolipolysis (fat freezing). After your treatment, your body will naturally excrete the dead fat cells, and you will notice results in 30-90 days.


How many sessions do I need?

We typically recommend 1-2 sessions per treatment area, spaced 30-90 days apart. Results are cumulative, so the number of sessions will depend on the patient’s desired results.


Cryolipolysis and Weight-Loss

Cryolipolysis is not a weight-loss procedure, but it is very effective for body contouring. Patients close to their ideal body weight but still feel unhappy with stubborn problem areas of unwanted fat are the best candidates for this treatment. If you want maximum body contouring, consider combining this technology with high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology treatments.  We would love the opportunity to show you the possibilities.


8 weeks after treatment

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8 weeks after treatment

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4 weeks after treatment

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16 weeks after treatment

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